Thor: The Dark World


The Dark World

Thor: The Dark World



Long before the birth of Light, there was Darkness; and from that Darkness came the Dark Elves.  Millennia ago, the most ruthless of their kind—Malekith– sought to transform our Universe back to one of Eternal Night.”

For a moment I thought that I had wandered into Lord of the Rings revisited.  Hearing words like ‘Dark Elves’ does that to me; but no.  I soon realized that it was Anthony Hopkins as Odin, sounding as if he was reading from a script whilst standing at a microphone—and given that he has admitted to having no liking for the material I’ll assume he was—and doing his faux-gravitas and give- me- the- paycheck act. Or perhaps you could interpret it as a masterful portrayal of a distant God.  Yeah, since I enjoy these movies I’ll go with that one.

You know, I just have to say this:  it’s only a few years since New York was almost obliterated and now London is getting a hammering (geddit—hammering?) so you eventually have to ask yourselves if these Avengers characters are not making the world a safer place but instead are just plain attracting the kind of malevolent beings who want to contribute to ‘the very fabric of reality’ being torn apart.  And there’s something I never get:  doesn’t this mean that the bad guys go down along with the rest of us?

Ah well, whatever the case here we have Thor: The Dark World, the eighth in Marvel’s ‘Avengers Initiative’ series of films; or the second in Phase Two if you want to be picky about it.  This has been a great run.  And even though this is the one that I enjoyed the least, that’s because I prefer it when they stay centered on the more human aspect of things.  That’s just a personal feeling.  The truth is that director Alan Taylor, with scriptwriters Christopher Yost, Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely stay with the material that Thor (played by the likeable Chris Hemsworth) yields up.  And if your movie is about a near-Godlike being who hails from a world that has long passed into human myth, you’re always going to be kind of limited in how much humanity you can inject amongst the inter-dimensional travelling and Star Wars-type battles.  (The technology of Asgardian weaponry is really confusing.  There’s everything from swords and axes to those whirling machine-gun things that you see in World War II movies, all the way through to death rays; but there’s probably an explanation for all that which I don’t want anyone to tell me.)

Thor, as in the past, is ignored when Tom Hiddlestone’s Loki is on screen.  The actor simply has this character nailed.  Even the always-watchable Christopher Eccleston—tired of saving the galaxy as Dr. Who and now intent on destroying it– as the main villain Malekith, is deeply uninteresting and two-dimensional in comparison.  And Natalie Porter is back as Thor’s lady of choice, Jane Foster; although why he keeps chasing this mortal when he has the tough and gorgeous Sif (Jaime Alexander) back home is more than I can understand.  Not that Jane isn’t gorgeous, it’s just that Sif…oh, never mind.  Oh and by the way, is anyone keeping track of how many ‘Christopher’s’ are in this movie?

This is an enjoyable sequel and continues the standard of the Avengers movies as a whole; and it has one really big thing to recommend it.  There’s no Samuel L.  Jackson as Nick Fury in it, glowering around the place and throwing pseudo-macho shapes. That character really annoys me, big time.

In amongst the explosions the script manages to give us a few laughs.  I particularly liked Jane’s irritating sidekick Darcy (Kat Denning) telling some children:  “It’s OK.  We’re Americans.”  “Is that supposed to reassure them?” asks Jane. Reasonably, I thought.

My favourite one, however, had to be from Erick (Stellan Skarsgård—I love inserting that little Swedish sign on top of the å) who says:

“There’s nothing more reassuring than realizing that the world is crazier than you are.”

Ah, words I’ve lived by all my life!

I missed Thor:  The Dark World when it was released and I’m glad that I caught up with it; because now I feel ready, psyched up and prepared for the one I’ve really been waiting for:  the next in the series–  Captain America:  The Winter Soldier.

Author: Charley Brady

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  1. Charley I have to be honest the first Thor movie left me feeling empty and scratching my head wondering what all the fuss was about? ,the second installment left me feeling not much different, slightly better than the first but instantly forgettable.

    I’ve seen it all before but so much better.

    What happened to character building, tension and suspense?, yes its an action movie I know, but if you can gather those 3 things together and blend it into even the most mindless of plots good chance you could have a classic action movie on your hands, but it seems that doesn’t matter anymore in the world of CGI?.

    Its like the CGI experts are trying to outdo each other and the director is but a sideshow if that makes any sense to you Charley?.

  2. Yes, that makes perfect sense. Patrick. Anyone who reads my ramblings with any kind of regularity knows that I’m an old-school type who prefers stop-motion to CGI; there’s just a warmth and–dare I say it?–a strange reality to them that I love. And maybe it’s a nostalgia thing as well.

    [Which reminds me that I really must get around to putting up a revisit to the silent movie version of ‘The Lost World’. 95 year on it could still teach film makers a thing or two today.]

    CGI is here to stay so we better get used to it. It can be fantastic (in the true meaning of the word) and when used properly can be almost seamlessly inserted as well as jaw-dropping. Look at the lovely mix of (limited) CGI, solid plot and great characters in something as special as Ridley Scott’s ‘Gladiator.’

    Thor just isn’t one of my preferred characters but I do like Hemsworth’s playing on him and I go along with these two films because I’m enjoying so much the ‘Avengers’ movies as a whole.

  3. Thats the thing Charley, the problem is not the CGI as such, but the over use of it in movies, yes at times it can be breathtaking but sometimes you need to give the movie time to breathe, a good example of that well imo anyway was the latest Star Trek “Into The Darkness”, of course I’m sure some 50 year old Trekkies would probably disagree?.

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