The Perils of a Porker:  The Hour of the Pig

The Perils of a Porker: The Hour of the Pig

The Perils of a Porker:  The Hour of the Pig   “In a word where nothing is reasonable, in the end nothing can be truly mad.” —- Albertus (Ian Holm)   I occasionally—I mean, I don’t dwell on it or anything, but occasionally– worry that when I say I like a film, that I’m the Box Office kiss-of-death for it.  Then I think of the times that, against all expectations I’ve gotten it right and I feel a little better. ...

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The World is Cold:  Shades of Crooked Ireland Surface in Arbitrage

The World is Cold: Shades of Crooked Ireland Surface in Arbitrage

The World is Cold:  Shades of Crooked Ireland Surface in Arbitrage “When I was a kid my favourite teacher was Mr.  James.   Mr.  James said:  ‘World events all revolve around five things:  M-O-N-E-Y.’” So speaks financier Robert Miller at the opening of the excellent Arbitrage.  And we know right from there, and when we see who is playing him, that this will be about a man who lives for money.  Richard Gere might as well be playing an...

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Smiling Through the End of Days:  Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

Smiling Through the End of Days: Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

Smiling Through the End of Days:  Seeking a Friend for the End of the World     There are times when I can be a bit of a gloomy sod, so I’m not too sure how often you’ll come across words like ‘charming’,  ‘sweet’ and ‘optimistic’ in this column.  ‘Optimistic’ in particular seems odd when applied to an end of the world scenario.  Yet that is what Seeking a Friend for the End of the World is.  Approaching asteroid or not,...

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Have Yourself a Bloody Little Christmas:  Pushing the Envelope with Inside

Have Yourself a Bloody Little Christmas: Pushing the Envelope with Inside

Have Yourself a Bloody Little Christmas:  Pushing the Envelope with Inside     All right, calling this one current is chancing my arm a bit. It was made in 2007, but all I can say is that it’s current to me.  It’s only a few weeks since I saw Alexandre Aja’s High Tension, for Heaven’s sake, and now along comes Inside from directors Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury.  I’ve definitely been out of touch as regards full-blooded...

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